Saturday, December 31, 2011


I want to start this blog by saying, "Happy New Year" and "Good Morning" to everyone.

The year, 2011 is just a part of the history of mankind. So let the new beginning be spread out. A new beginning to look forward to. All sets of NEW things. Men and women should lessen the habit of thinking now that the new year has come. The first things I have in mind are - Should I change my old habits? What do I have to do to make things great this time? Do I need to live someone's expectations of me or Do I just have to live on my own expectations? Those are just some of the things that need to be answered. Well, it matters a lot to be just yourself while reaching your own goal or making these things happen. :)

It had always been a tradition to all of us to think of the never-ending question - What is your New Year's Resolution?. Some would say, "I will stop drinking liquor" and the others would just think and say, "I will quit smoking" and one of the hardest things or let's say a resolution to do is "I would like to be fit or sexy". Well the hardest thing for me is when someone would say, "I would like to be a good person". Come to think of it, for example I am trying to be good but the results show that I am not doing what is expected of me to do. What's even worse is when I do the other way around. Just imagine yourself trying to be sexy but you wanna eat a lot. It's like killing yourself, your own principle. well, truth is, people do make assumptions but they are not exerting a lot of effort to make things happen. They even wait for good things to happen for them. Do not just wait instead do something to make things happen.

Let me concentrate on how to be good to yourself when it comes to your eating habit. Just for a start.

It is not about second chances, attempts at redemption or to ease a guilty conscience. Abuse, neglect and ignorance may not justify your lamentations. If you find yourself unattractive, unappealing and unhealthy, these are valid reasons to embark on a makeover mission. The start of a new year should signal your own renewal but not to the point of changing everything of who you are just the bad things.

Instead of being dismayed upon stepping onto a weight scale, be challenged. Do something, think and say to yourself, "It is only a number." Do not even bother about it. Crush your defeatist attitude. Allowing yourself to panic only triggers your own defeat. Of course, the last thing you should do is to go on a crash diet. Crash diet is not the solution at all. It will just ruin every single step that you would want to accomplish. This will only guarantee one thing - whatever weight you lose will definitely come back with a vengeance. My principle is if your mind is set to a certain goal, it will lead you to greater heights.

Studies have shown that people on diets experience depression. Therefore, do not starve yourself. Pace yourself instead. And use your common sense. Detox as they and not to destroy. It is fairly easy to self destruct. Simply give in to all your physical and emotional cravings without limits. In short, eat all you can and allow yourself to be swept away by your unchecked feelings.

This way, the word extreme will rule your life. Once accomplished. you will find yourself overweight, overburdened and over-exhausted. And the goal will be put to waste. Nothing is gained but everything was put to something even worse. Detoxify, now. And the promise of a better you and higher and more energetic body is yours.

I have listed all the possible ways to detoxify one's body. From craving the food that you desire to the point of being disciplined and care less to the food you have been wanting to eat.

Detox to-do:
1. List down your cravings. These may include chocolates, pastries, peanuts, ice cream, wine/spirits, high-fat foods and a lot more not to mention. Know your weaknesses. Do not run away from it instead, blaze a trail. No one can stop you to be someone better. This way, you will be on guard each time you are faced with your temptations.

2. Do not deny yourself a craving. Instead. take a little piece or small amount. It will not kill at all. It will help you to understand that by means of eating a small amount of your favorite food, it means that you are on your way to something new. By tasting something, you will not feel totally deprived.

3. Stop eating when you feel full. Sins against the belly begin when you have burped once. And if you are the type that does not burp following the feelings of fullness, your waistline will expand and a feeling of tightness is inevitable.

4. Do not prolong the gaps between meals. Waiting too long to eat will only rob you of much-needed vitamins and minerals. If you wait too long to eat, there is a chance that your blood sugar levels will be affected and, in fact, may even fail to return to its normal level. This will immediately cause fatigue and depression.

5. If you intend to fast, make sure you are fully hydrated with water and vegetable juices every 30 minutes. Fasting will cleans your gut and colon. Make sure when you end your fast that it is quickly followed by two tablespoons of virgin coco oil or two tablespoons extra virgin olive oil or a combination of both. As per records, I have tried a couple of times to fast. No food, nothing at all. Just water. I mean it. Nothing but water, nothing else. And it worked out for me.

6. Try a lemon, organic coffee enema, ginger, eggs, bananas, oats, or fruit juice

a. Lemon rinse
One lemon, juice. Mix into one pint of warm, purified water. Use as an enema. Hold in the liquid for 10 minutes. Then, release. Take two capsules of acidophilous (bacteria) to, replace the ones lost during the enema (great for colds, cough).

b. Coffee cleanse
One heaping tablespoon of organic coffee (Baraco, Batangas variety, is good, boiled for 10 minutes in one pint of purified water. Introduce into your colon in three installments. Hold in for 15 minutes (if possible), then release. You will instantly feel light and able to breathe better (If you have sinusitis problems).

c. Ginger
If too much alcohol has you feeling queasy, ginger is the perfecct food to help settle your stomach and relieve nausea. While you may not feel much like chewing on the food in its original form, you could try adding some grated ginger to hot water for a ginger tea, blending into a fresh fruit or vegetable juice, or snacking on ginger biscuits for a stomach-soothing treat.

d. Eggs
Scrambledml, fried or boiled, eggs are a popular hangover breakfast, and the good news is they are a great choice for beating the nastiest of hangovers. Firstly, eggs are extremely rich in protein, which helps raise mood-boosting serotonin levels as well as helping to reduce nausea. Furthermore, eggs are rich in an amino acid called cystine, which helps fight against the alcohol-induced toxins that contribute to your hangover.

e. Bananas
Bananas are packed with potassium and magnesium, two of the minerals often depleted in our bodies when alcohol is consumed. A lack of potassium in the body can lead to nausea, weakness and tiredness, so stocking up on bananas can help reduce these classic hangover symptoms. As an added bonus, bananas are natural antacids so great for reducing stomach acid, and are good for providing a boost of energy if you have a busy day ahead.

f. Oats
Due to the diuretic effects of alcohol, the body loses many essential minerals and vitamins during a heavy drinking session. Luckily, oats can provide you with many of these nutrients, including B vitamins (good for the liver and mood) and essential minerals magnesium, calcium and iron. On top of this, oats can help neutralise acidity levels in the body, cleanse the liver, absorb toxins and slowly raise blood sugar levels, making a bowl porridge the perfect hangover breakfast.

g. Fruit juice
If you're feeling a bit queasy at the thought of food, then this is the cure for you. While it's great to line your stomach with food if you can, to replace lost vitamins, raise blood sugar levels and rehydrate your body, you can't do much better than a glass of fresh juice. Not only is juice good for immediate relief, the fructose will also help speed up the removal of alcohol from your blood.

7. Think of colors - red, pink, orange, green, gold, blue, silver and other colors not to mention. Make this your emotional guide for the day - red, passion/love, pink, affection; blue, calm; green, healing; orange, energy; gold/silver, prosperity. Adopt a color and watch your outlook change.

8. But of course among these things that you do each, it must come with a regular exercise for at least 15-30 minutes each day. No typical positions. Just the stretching ones. 

A new year has come to be celebrated. In line with this, the good result is a New You. Love yourself. Being a good person is definitely ideal however at some point, we tend to forget ourselves. We inclined to be so stubborn and just think about the present without even thinking of the might-have-beens or the future. The possibility of a new you is within your reach but only if when you have the determination to claim it - inside and out.  Always be good to yourself.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. Please don't get bored especially when reading a lot of paragraphs. Thank you for reading. Until next time. Love lots. :)