Thursday, March 8, 2012


The AMERICAN IDOL TOP 13 FINALISTS have laid down their piece. A Whitney Houston and Stevie Wonder music archives' night. I was like, "hey, you did it well" kind of thing. A mixed emotion indeed. It was hard to tell who would make it to the finals nigh at this point in time. Just like anybody else, you already have your top pick. But I would like to share my point of view about the performance night.

Joshua Ledet sang "I Wish". I would say he sang it well. Definitely, I am not a Stevie Wonder fan but as I was listening to Joshua, I was kinda like, "Whoa, the voice was great and I couldn't wait for the next performance of him on stage. 8.2 out of 10 for that well-rounded peformance. :)

Elise Testone sang "I'm You Baby Tonight". The performance was okay. I felt like she did it her own style. It's just that it wasn't appealing to the judges. As for me, I didn't like it that either. It doesn't lift me off of the chair. I would say, 6 out of 10 for that so-so performance.

Jermaine Jones sang "Knocks Me Off My Feet". The worst performance among the boys. I don't like his rendition. Or shall I say, was it a rendition anyway? He's like out of tune. He was like he was not prepared at all. I would give him 4 out of 10.

Erika Van Pelt sang "I Believe In You And Me". I was kinda like disappointed because I wasn't expecting her to sing the way she sang the song. She didn't give justice to it. There was no effort to sing the song her way. It was like she sang the song because she needed to perform that night. Not fair enough. I was looking for more. I would give her 6.2 out of 10.

Colton Dixon sang "Lately". The performance was overall good. I wasn't expecting sharp notes from him though. If he would like to survive in the competition, he needs to alot more of his time to practice. I would say, 7 out of 10 for giving his own rendition. Good register on cam huh?

Shannon Magrane sang  "I Have Nothing". The song was not for her. I felt like she wan't even performing at all. This was the worst performance among the girls. The pitch was too low. I dont like the way she hit the notes. It's awful to hear her sing the song. I would say 4 out of 10.

DeAndre Brackensick sang "Master Blaster". I like the way he hit the notes. He sang the song naturally. As I was listening, I was entertained by him. Among all the contestants, he has good stage presence. I would give him 7.5 our of 10.

Skylar Laine sang "Where Do Broken Hearts Go". I like the way she delivered the song. She sang the song as if she owned it. But definitely, it was not as perfect as it seemed. The high notes were great but I was looking for in-depth feeling. There was more important than hitting the high notes. I just hope that next time she will deliver the song as if she's acting it as well. I would say, 7.9 out of 10.

Heejun Han sang "All In Love Is Fair". I like his way of singing the song. It was simple. Nothing extraordinary about the performance but he hit the notes. Definitely, I like it because he was able to sing the song. At the end, what's important is, how you start and end the song. I would say 7.5 out of 10.

Hollie Cavanagh sang "All The Man That I Need". This was my choice among all the performers for this particular performance. She sang the song as if she's a pro. She knows when to hit the notes. Only, I don't like the way she sang the part, "She's all I've got" line. It's like, it's not inline with the band. :) But overall I did enjoy this performance Her voice was very soothing. I would say 9.2 out of 10. :)

Jeremy Rosado sang "Ribbon In The Sky". This performer knows to control his voice from falsetto to normal to high notes. I like the way he delivered the song because it was flawless for me while hearing him singing. I would say 8.0 out of 10

Jessica Sanchez sang "I Will Always Love You". Undoubtedly, she has what it takes to stay longer in the competition. She has what Skylar doesn't have - an in-depth feeling. But I was looking for more in the performance. I would say, 8.5 out of 10.

Phillip Phillips sang "Superstition". This rocked my world when he started singing his piece. haha. Though, he was not as vocally equipped as Joshua or Jeremy for instance, he registered on cam great. The song that he sang was really for him. I would say, 8.5 out of 10.
Hollie, Jessica, Phillip, Joshua, Jeremy, Skylar, DeAndre, and Heejun are my top 6 in the competition as far as that performance night was concerned. :)

But basically, I like Hollie, Phillip, Jessica, Joshua, and Skylar. :)

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