Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

Let me start this blog by saying "good evening!".

While waiting for the screening of Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 2 which will be in cinemas on July 14th, I came to this idea to make a blog for the latest and last movie franchise, Transformers: Dark of the Moon. 

"Transformers: Dark of the Moon" was tagged as one of the most highly-anticipated movie of the year. It is really moviegoers should go and watch for. Indeed, one of the most-loved movie of the century as far as box office results are concerned for the past 2 installments, Transformers gained $709.70 million and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen gained $836.30 million respectively. The most spectacular yet in this year's collections of movies.

Hmm, let me talk about the plot, storyline, visual effects, the characters and other related things about the movie.

The movie has taken us to a new ride of good story. As far as the movie is concerned, proper plot for this last installment was elusive as the previous two franchises but it gave me the idea that the movie brought us to a new level of thinking. The main character, "Sam Witwicky" played by Shia LaBeouf is now grown up and he is on its way of finding a job for himself, a new girlfriend, "Carly Miller" played by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. I have read Michael Bay's statements while doing the film and I quote, "One thing we're getting rid of is what I call the dorky comedy.". I was kinda thinking that the comedy is still there but good and smart jokes this time around. "The movie is more of a mystery," Bay said in his media statement. I was kinda of amazed how the writers connect space race of the 60's called Apollo 11 expedition from that of the story. In one of Bay's statements, he also said, "It ties in what we know as history growing up as kids with what really happened." Going back to the Apollo 11 expedition, I love how epic they make it sound to me. 

The story itself is something that the movie fans should comprehend because it is filled with a lot of obstacles to the protagonists. Stuff like how will they get to stop evil decepticons to bring their world and change the earth or how will they stop a whole bunch of decepticons. Gee! By the way, the movie is broad when it comes to its concept and due to its fast pace, you need to watch the movie from beginning to end to understand every single detail. The ending was not that appealing to my eyes. You should watch it for you to be able to judge if I was right. Overall, I loved the way they made the movie. A story that's filled with comedy, little drama and action = GREAT to my eyes and thinking.

Would you believe that the movie spent about U.S. $30 million dollars just for the cost of 3D visual effects; An extraordinary cost indeed. The main reason maybe for that extravagant cost was to really give the best special effects for the said movie installment. The producer of the said film, Steven Spielberg did not even miss a thing. He made it sure that the movie was perfect in its visual effects for the moviegoers to look forward to. This is yet to be the best and most impressive visual effects so far that I have seen in this year. 

  1. Shia LaBeouf - he played Sam Witwicky. In the said movie, he is finding a job for himself. I consider him insane based on the movie. There were a lot of scenes where he needed to shout that loud. I laughed at the thought that he was like a gay in one of the scenes. He delivered the most insane action sequence so far in this movie. We had seen him gone insane in the previous movies but this time it will a lot crazier. I thought like, "This guy is really crazy.". I feel like he is giving his best shot for every scene in the movie.
  2. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley - she played the role of Sam's girlfriend as Carly Miller. A good trivia was she is a character from the Transformers animated series that eventually becomes Sam's wife. As we all know, he is a model from Victoria Secret. And for a neophyte, she sounded professional and I could tell, she did great.
  3. Patrick Dempsey - he played Dylan Gould as Carly Miller's boss. I was surprised that he appeared on the movie as one of the villains. Well, a great actor indeed. He could be a protagonist and antagonist.
I remember a memorable line for me in the movie, "You may lose your faith in us but not in yourselves." - Optimus Prime. This movie is what I consider "near to perfect" because aside from its visual effects and storyline, it also gives moral lessons to everyone that one must not lose faith in him/herself. If nobody dares to believe in you, how are you going to face your weaknesses if you don't believe a bit about yourself?

To conclude this blog, I would say, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" was conceptualized in a way that the moviegoers would enjoy watching it. Storyline is good, the ideas about the movie are great. It was heart-pounding to tell that it pictured out not only the usual action scenes but also dramatic scenes. Due to its broad concept, mind-boggling ideas, and almost realistic scenes, I gave this movie an 8.5 grade.  A movie worth remembering. Thanks for reading this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't able to include the other important characters. Plus the movie character that I saw at the movie that struck me. hehe. :)
