Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Lesson to Learn

I would like to start this blog by saying, "Hi, everyone!

While I am posting this, I remember the things/events happened in my life. Have I lived up to the expectations of my family and friends? Have I made the right choices and decisions so far? Am I being responsible for my actions?

I really make decisions of my own. Basically, I do not ask for help if I think I can handle it. As much as possible, I want to decide on my own because this is my life. I know that a lot of people want me to be happy and they give advices or some sort of encouraging words but my point of view and the last decision are on my hands. Thus, what is happening with my life is because of my decisions. Though there are times that my decisions are not the best ones, I say, "I am better for making my own decisions in life". The thing is I do not have someone to blame if I end up failing myself. It is only me to be blamed; No one else but me.

People have inspirations in life. On a regular basis, we see to it these inspirations have tried to make our life worthwhile. My family and friends are my inspirations in life. They are my precious gifts from God. They are my continuous hope in this so-called life. They are my endless strength. They are always there for me through my ups and downs. They always make me feel special and they won't let me down. Special thanks to my mother and father because without them, I will not be who I am today. And to you "E" for being always there for me. To my family, let's just stop selfishness but instead let's show love and support to each other. To my friends, I might not be the best in your list, but I did what I had to do to be a good friend to you.

I had been starting my "Life's Roads" for the past 5 months. And now, new paths and directions are created. Most likely, there are added ideas. I am so excited about these new ideas I have in mind. I am on the process of soul searching. I am searching for my own life's eternal happiness and contentment. I say, "No man is an island" and no man can walk away in his own story. But sometimes, I have to walk away from my own story for the meantime to contemplate on things. In this way, I can understand what needs to be done and what needs to be not. I add more discipline to my plans about my life by preparing the things needed in this "Life's Roads". I usually say "NO" to people that prevent me from preparing and expecting the best in my life. In this road I am pursuing for my life, I would say I am thinking about the big picture for me to be able to take good chances of having a much better life if not the best.

Life is really hard. I must admit that I have bad times and good times, easy and difficult times, happy and lonely times about my life. I can not do anything about it. It is how I manage to make my life happy. It is how I find ways on how to make my life happy in some ways. I am so thankful that despite difficult times in my life, excellent and delightful things happen to me. So, I always live my life each day with a simple thought that there are always good things to come my way. Life is constantly telling us, "BELIEVE".

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