Saturday, December 31, 2011


I want to start this blog by saying, "Happy New Year" and "Good Morning" to everyone.

The year, 2011 is just a part of the history of mankind. So let the new beginning be spread out. A new beginning to look forward to. All sets of NEW things. Men and women should lessen the habit of thinking now that the new year has come. The first things I have in mind are - Should I change my old habits? What do I have to do to make things great this time? Do I need to live someone's expectations of me or Do I just have to live on my own expectations? Those are just some of the things that need to be answered. Well, it matters a lot to be just yourself while reaching your own goal or making these things happen. :)

It had always been a tradition to all of us to think of the never-ending question - What is your New Year's Resolution?. Some would say, "I will stop drinking liquor" and the others would just think and say, "I will quit smoking" and one of the hardest things or let's say a resolution to do is "I would like to be fit or sexy". Well the hardest thing for me is when someone would say, "I would like to be a good person". Come to think of it, for example I am trying to be good but the results show that I am not doing what is expected of me to do. What's even worse is when I do the other way around. Just imagine yourself trying to be sexy but you wanna eat a lot. It's like killing yourself, your own principle. well, truth is, people do make assumptions but they are not exerting a lot of effort to make things happen. They even wait for good things to happen for them. Do not just wait instead do something to make things happen.

Let me concentrate on how to be good to yourself when it comes to your eating habit. Just for a start.

It is not about second chances, attempts at redemption or to ease a guilty conscience. Abuse, neglect and ignorance may not justify your lamentations. If you find yourself unattractive, unappealing and unhealthy, these are valid reasons to embark on a makeover mission. The start of a new year should signal your own renewal but not to the point of changing everything of who you are just the bad things.

Instead of being dismayed upon stepping onto a weight scale, be challenged. Do something, think and say to yourself, "It is only a number." Do not even bother about it. Crush your defeatist attitude. Allowing yourself to panic only triggers your own defeat. Of course, the last thing you should do is to go on a crash diet. Crash diet is not the solution at all. It will just ruin every single step that you would want to accomplish. This will only guarantee one thing - whatever weight you lose will definitely come back with a vengeance. My principle is if your mind is set to a certain goal, it will lead you to greater heights.

Studies have shown that people on diets experience depression. Therefore, do not starve yourself. Pace yourself instead. And use your common sense. Detox as they and not to destroy. It is fairly easy to self destruct. Simply give in to all your physical and emotional cravings without limits. In short, eat all you can and allow yourself to be swept away by your unchecked feelings.

This way, the word extreme will rule your life. Once accomplished. you will find yourself overweight, overburdened and over-exhausted. And the goal will be put to waste. Nothing is gained but everything was put to something even worse. Detoxify, now. And the promise of a better you and higher and more energetic body is yours.

I have listed all the possible ways to detoxify one's body. From craving the food that you desire to the point of being disciplined and care less to the food you have been wanting to eat.

Detox to-do:
1. List down your cravings. These may include chocolates, pastries, peanuts, ice cream, wine/spirits, high-fat foods and a lot more not to mention. Know your weaknesses. Do not run away from it instead, blaze a trail. No one can stop you to be someone better. This way, you will be on guard each time you are faced with your temptations.

2. Do not deny yourself a craving. Instead. take a little piece or small amount. It will not kill at all. It will help you to understand that by means of eating a small amount of your favorite food, it means that you are on your way to something new. By tasting something, you will not feel totally deprived.

3. Stop eating when you feel full. Sins against the belly begin when you have burped once. And if you are the type that does not burp following the feelings of fullness, your waistline will expand and a feeling of tightness is inevitable.

4. Do not prolong the gaps between meals. Waiting too long to eat will only rob you of much-needed vitamins and minerals. If you wait too long to eat, there is a chance that your blood sugar levels will be affected and, in fact, may even fail to return to its normal level. This will immediately cause fatigue and depression.

5. If you intend to fast, make sure you are fully hydrated with water and vegetable juices every 30 minutes. Fasting will cleans your gut and colon. Make sure when you end your fast that it is quickly followed by two tablespoons of virgin coco oil or two tablespoons extra virgin olive oil or a combination of both. As per records, I have tried a couple of times to fast. No food, nothing at all. Just water. I mean it. Nothing but water, nothing else. And it worked out for me.

6. Try a lemon, organic coffee enema, ginger, eggs, bananas, oats, or fruit juice

a. Lemon rinse
One lemon, juice. Mix into one pint of warm, purified water. Use as an enema. Hold in the liquid for 10 minutes. Then, release. Take two capsules of acidophilous (bacteria) to, replace the ones lost during the enema (great for colds, cough).

b. Coffee cleanse
One heaping tablespoon of organic coffee (Baraco, Batangas variety, is good, boiled for 10 minutes in one pint of purified water. Introduce into your colon in three installments. Hold in for 15 minutes (if possible), then release. You will instantly feel light and able to breathe better (If you have sinusitis problems).

c. Ginger
If too much alcohol has you feeling queasy, ginger is the perfecct food to help settle your stomach and relieve nausea. While you may not feel much like chewing on the food in its original form, you could try adding some grated ginger to hot water for a ginger tea, blending into a fresh fruit or vegetable juice, or snacking on ginger biscuits for a stomach-soothing treat.

d. Eggs
Scrambledml, fried or boiled, eggs are a popular hangover breakfast, and the good news is they are a great choice for beating the nastiest of hangovers. Firstly, eggs are extremely rich in protein, which helps raise mood-boosting serotonin levels as well as helping to reduce nausea. Furthermore, eggs are rich in an amino acid called cystine, which helps fight against the alcohol-induced toxins that contribute to your hangover.

e. Bananas
Bananas are packed with potassium and magnesium, two of the minerals often depleted in our bodies when alcohol is consumed. A lack of potassium in the body can lead to nausea, weakness and tiredness, so stocking up on bananas can help reduce these classic hangover symptoms. As an added bonus, bananas are natural antacids so great for reducing stomach acid, and are good for providing a boost of energy if you have a busy day ahead.

f. Oats
Due to the diuretic effects of alcohol, the body loses many essential minerals and vitamins during a heavy drinking session. Luckily, oats can provide you with many of these nutrients, including B vitamins (good for the liver and mood) and essential minerals magnesium, calcium and iron. On top of this, oats can help neutralise acidity levels in the body, cleanse the liver, absorb toxins and slowly raise blood sugar levels, making a bowl porridge the perfect hangover breakfast.

g. Fruit juice
If you're feeling a bit queasy at the thought of food, then this is the cure for you. While it's great to line your stomach with food if you can, to replace lost vitamins, raise blood sugar levels and rehydrate your body, you can't do much better than a glass of fresh juice. Not only is juice good for immediate relief, the fructose will also help speed up the removal of alcohol from your blood.

7. Think of colors - red, pink, orange, green, gold, blue, silver and other colors not to mention. Make this your emotional guide for the day - red, passion/love, pink, affection; blue, calm; green, healing; orange, energy; gold/silver, prosperity. Adopt a color and watch your outlook change.

8. But of course among these things that you do each, it must come with a regular exercise for at least 15-30 minutes each day. No typical positions. Just the stretching ones. 

A new year has come to be celebrated. In line with this, the good result is a New You. Love yourself. Being a good person is definitely ideal however at some point, we tend to forget ourselves. We inclined to be so stubborn and just think about the present without even thinking of the might-have-beens or the future. The possibility of a new you is within your reach but only if when you have the determination to claim it - inside and out.  Always be good to yourself.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. Please don't get bored especially when reading a lot of paragraphs. Thank you for reading. Until next time. Love lots. :)

Friday, November 25, 2011

It's Not Going To Be The "END" Of The "ROAD"

Great morning to everyone.

When was the last time I made a blog? I could not even remember. Anyway, I would like to make this blog because I would like to begin a lot of something new for myself. A new work, new friends maybe and definitely a new challenge for me. Well, I hope for something good to happen as I go along this new journey.

As I was walking my way home from Mercury Drug, I was thinking of some things in mind. Like, I am not yet done with "YOU" but definitely soon. How soon is that? Well, a couple of days more before I can seriously say, "I am done". I never thought it had to end that way when "YOU" dropped me just like that. Well, I had to name you as "YOU" because I sincerely would like everything to be that way for now. I was also thinking that "YOU" was distracted and perhaps afraid when "YOU" knew about the said whole thing I was doing. It was kind of like, "Wow, did "YOU" really do that?". Or maybe "YOU" was also thinking, did Maynard do that? Or they just underestimated me that they did not even think I could do such a thing. I was more of like laughing because I have found the courage to fight for more. At that moment, I felt secured and the contentment of what I did was there because I gained something from what I have been doing. There was an instant progress of what I was doing as I was on this "ROAD". And up to now, I am proud of it. It's so fortunate for me and unfortunately, "YOU" did something right at that moment. Seriously, I was laughing the whole time and I was like sweating because of too much fulfilment at that time. So, there.

I have been thinking of "YOU" for like days, weeks or even months now. All I can say is, this is not the end of what "YOU" did. Progress of progress has been coming along so fast until such time that I didn't know, it came to a point and it just so happened that "YOU" and I had to have some sort of like a "meeting". To have further progress of what this thing was going, "YOU" had to do some arrangements to fulfill my innermost desire. What a mouthful of word it is! hehe. So, this whole "meeting" thing with "YOU" was done smoothly in a way I wanted things to go. I did what I had to do and I am now waiting for the final thing to happen. :)

All this time I am thinking, when someone is eager to do something and confident enough to do such a thing, I will have to say this, "If you are really doing the right thing, go for it. Break whatever walls you have to break. But please be reminded that you will always be held responsible for every action you do make.". Fortunately, it did work for me.

Being in silence at some point does not mean to say, everything is okay, it means there is something wrong. If you are good at estimating things, don't treat a person like a thing. Things and people are distinct. A thing can not do something unless a person will manipulate it. A person like me who is submissive to some things should never be underestimated because if you do, you are like fighting your own life to nearly death. Just kidding. What I am trying to say is, do not push someone to the edge and show the other side of them. Just accept the fact that you did something wrong. Acceptance of mistakes will not kill you. It may lead you to greater heights, I tell you.

So there it is. I am happy at some point with what is happening with my life. I have to search more to fulfill and find my life's purpose. The path is leading its way to what I call "happiness". I have this intuition that "genuine happiness" is beginning to happen. God will show me the way to becoming a more grown person. In time, I know it can happen. :)

Thanks for reading, guys. Till next time.

Mei :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Story of True Faith

Let me tell you a story of an ordinary person who chose to be extraordinary in her own simple ways. A person who has a good heart for the needy. A story of a good deed that a person has been doing all her life. A story of a person who never stopped finding ways to make her life better. And a true story of Faith.

Let me just call her with her alias, "Pitang". She lived in a small town where abundance was only for fortunate people. She had lived an ordinary and simple life. I could not even say if the word "ordinary" for her is ordinary for everyone else. I could say, she was not able to enjoy her childhood life. At an early age of 10, she had to help her family and work. She was the eldest among the 6 siblings, I think. She was not able to finish schooling because basically, they needed money to buy food and people before were not encouraged and taught to go and finish studies. She then gave up schooling and just focused on helping her family. There were times that she had to give the food she bought to her brothers and sister rather than eating it because she knew how it was like to have nothing to eat. 

I must say, she did not really enjoy any stage of her life. She had a lot of struggles and pains in her so-called life. She was raised in a way where discipline was strictly implemented. One of which was whenever she did something inappropriate just like an ordinary child happened to be doing unintentionally, her father would let her kneel with a "bilao" or winnowing basket filled with grains on her head while holding one glass of water on both hands something like that. The event was unbearable and unimaginable. I thought like it was a scene in a movie. But despite hardships in life, she never failed herself to become a very compassionate person to everything she does. There was not even a time for her to run away from life. She is a living legacy and a good example to humanity because she continues to help her sisters and brothers whether it be financial or on the emotional aspect. Until now, she keeps on to her faith of holding his family intact despite some indifferences. She was the best daughter her father could ever have. A good provider to her children. No words can express to describe this well-rounded entity. She had her shortcomings, but she admits every bit of her mistakes. A person to die following for. A person worth remembering. A living inspiration to everyone. Life could be in turmoil at some point but do not forget to linger on happy memories. It is the time to repent and leave our bad ways and start anew. Let's always pray to God that life will be brighter as we wake up each day.

Thanks for reading. Good night. Till next time :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

Let me start this blog by saying "good evening!".

While waiting for the screening of Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 2 which will be in cinemas on July 14th, I came to this idea to make a blog for the latest and last movie franchise, Transformers: Dark of the Moon. 

"Transformers: Dark of the Moon" was tagged as one of the most highly-anticipated movie of the year. It is really moviegoers should go and watch for. Indeed, one of the most-loved movie of the century as far as box office results are concerned for the past 2 installments, Transformers gained $709.70 million and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen gained $836.30 million respectively. The most spectacular yet in this year's collections of movies.

Hmm, let me talk about the plot, storyline, visual effects, the characters and other related things about the movie.

The movie has taken us to a new ride of good story. As far as the movie is concerned, proper plot for this last installment was elusive as the previous two franchises but it gave me the idea that the movie brought us to a new level of thinking. The main character, "Sam Witwicky" played by Shia LaBeouf is now grown up and he is on its way of finding a job for himself, a new girlfriend, "Carly Miller" played by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. I have read Michael Bay's statements while doing the film and I quote, "One thing we're getting rid of is what I call the dorky comedy.". I was kinda thinking that the comedy is still there but good and smart jokes this time around. "The movie is more of a mystery," Bay said in his media statement. I was kinda of amazed how the writers connect space race of the 60's called Apollo 11 expedition from that of the story. In one of Bay's statements, he also said, "It ties in what we know as history growing up as kids with what really happened." Going back to the Apollo 11 expedition, I love how epic they make it sound to me. 

The story itself is something that the movie fans should comprehend because it is filled with a lot of obstacles to the protagonists. Stuff like how will they get to stop evil decepticons to bring their world and change the earth or how will they stop a whole bunch of decepticons. Gee! By the way, the movie is broad when it comes to its concept and due to its fast pace, you need to watch the movie from beginning to end to understand every single detail. The ending was not that appealing to my eyes. You should watch it for you to be able to judge if I was right. Overall, I loved the way they made the movie. A story that's filled with comedy, little drama and action = GREAT to my eyes and thinking.

Would you believe that the movie spent about U.S. $30 million dollars just for the cost of 3D visual effects; An extraordinary cost indeed. The main reason maybe for that extravagant cost was to really give the best special effects for the said movie installment. The producer of the said film, Steven Spielberg did not even miss a thing. He made it sure that the movie was perfect in its visual effects for the moviegoers to look forward to. This is yet to be the best and most impressive visual effects so far that I have seen in this year. 

  1. Shia LaBeouf - he played Sam Witwicky. In the said movie, he is finding a job for himself. I consider him insane based on the movie. There were a lot of scenes where he needed to shout that loud. I laughed at the thought that he was like a gay in one of the scenes. He delivered the most insane action sequence so far in this movie. We had seen him gone insane in the previous movies but this time it will a lot crazier. I thought like, "This guy is really crazy.". I feel like he is giving his best shot for every scene in the movie.
  2. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley - she played the role of Sam's girlfriend as Carly Miller. A good trivia was she is a character from the Transformers animated series that eventually becomes Sam's wife. As we all know, he is a model from Victoria Secret. And for a neophyte, she sounded professional and I could tell, she did great.
  3. Patrick Dempsey - he played Dylan Gould as Carly Miller's boss. I was surprised that he appeared on the movie as one of the villains. Well, a great actor indeed. He could be a protagonist and antagonist.
I remember a memorable line for me in the movie, "You may lose your faith in us but not in yourselves." - Optimus Prime. This movie is what I consider "near to perfect" because aside from its visual effects and storyline, it also gives moral lessons to everyone that one must not lose faith in him/herself. If nobody dares to believe in you, how are you going to face your weaknesses if you don't believe a bit about yourself?

To conclude this blog, I would say, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" was conceptualized in a way that the moviegoers would enjoy watching it. Storyline is good, the ideas about the movie are great. It was heart-pounding to tell that it pictured out not only the usual action scenes but also dramatic scenes. Due to its broad concept, mind-boggling ideas, and almost realistic scenes, I gave this movie an 8.5 grade.  A movie worth remembering. Thanks for reading this blog.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Life has always been a mystery to me. It makes sense when I say life is the transparency of what you are. Who you are will determine what kind of life you have. It's a wrong thinking when somebody will say that what you have will say the kind of person you are. It will just give me the idea that things are complicated not life itself. You will soon realize that life is really that simple if you simply realize the concept of life itself. People are just thinking that life is unfair, complicated and other attributions to it because they are experiencing unfortunate events like car accident, death of someone you love, and simple things like lost of wallet, money and "important things" like gadgets that include Cellular Phone, iPad, iPod, Digital Camera, Laptop/Notebook and other things that people believe are very important to them. I say simple things because you can have them again. If I still remember it right, I was 8 years old when it was my time to say goodbye to my loved ones. I had met an accident at that early age. It was so near to death that I found myself helpless in such a way that life was nearly to an end. It was so nice with that feeling that I had when that happened because a certain white light was coming all over the place. Anyway, I realized that I was given a whole new life that I should take care of. A life that I must have to love. Have you ever thought of having a simple life after all?

It had been an inspiration to me for the past few years to stay as simple as what I am now. Simplicity is a wide concept by all means. There are a lot of meanings to it. What I think may be different to someone else's opinion. Understanding someone is different from respecting someone else's stand about some things. So there. Just like anybody else I have noble aspirations about my life. I always believe that being simple is something that I can always say I am proud of. I do not have to change myself and my principles just to fit in this new generation of people. I always based my way of living to what I can call an inch away of having the best in my life.  Do you consider being simple by changing your ways of living?

Sometimes, I am stumbled by the fact that life is giving me a lot of trials. I have imagined myself with these but for some reasons, there are times that I am not ready for it. And when this happens, I am being derailed in some manner. I am only a person, a weak person to be exact who makes false assumptions in life. What I can do to make things work out? Whenever I am faced with problems, I always take a long walk, go to the church, read a good book or do something else that makes my time worthwhile. I don't always have to use my time to ponder on things or ideas or dig deep into my subconscious to find solutions to it but rather just let the time go by and enjoy the silence being alone with God and think of simple ways on how to be happy once again. Did you dare counting how many days, months or years were you happy? I bet not.

How can someone say there are complications in life?  Where do people get such a word? Is there really such thing as complications of life? Complication of things, I do believe so. Or am I safe to say in this blog that people are just saying that because they are not getting what they want? So, my question is why is it there are complications in life? Could life be much easier without having such complications on things? There are things in life that humanity can not have. Complications start there. In my case, my question is, is there by way a chance I could fill my heart only with happy memories and all sort of things will be wiped out? It's like I have been digging for a very long time but I could not possibly find the answers to my life's questions. Or am I just being blinded by these burdens that keep haunting me in the lonely days, months and years of my life. It might sound crazy or weird but this has triggered and inspired me to take on a new journey. It is something I will look forward to and be able to examine myself about certain things. A big piece of myself including my heart is telling me that this could be a very long road to take, to walk, and  to cross. I could not think of the right word but I would say, this path I will be taking may be "infinite or endless". But sometimes I just have to deal with life and its mysteries to fully understand that I should make sacrifices on my own. I ask myself this question everyday like, "After all these courses of heartaches and pains, trials and failures, will I be able to create a big space in my heart to what I really call, "PEACE" once again? I believe, YES. 

Thanks for reading this blog. Till next time. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Is There A Good Place To Live After All?

This blog is something about the search for a so-called "PLACE". A good afternoon to everyone.

While writing this blog, I was actually thinking about this "Temporary Home". The truth is, every place for me is temporary. There was no place yet that I considered calling, "Permanent". I was asking that to myself for months now. I did even try putting ideas about this "Permanent Home Thing" I would want to create on my mind. But for now, it's like my mind is not absorbing the ideas because I feel like I am being bombarded with things I do not need. If I could just sort things out that easily, I would like to categorize things in my own little ways. 

I continue my quest of searching my purpose in life. While doing this, I am also thinking about living in a different place where I haven't gone through. Hard as you can try to understand but this is my own way of moving on. It might sound crazy for some or maybe lots of people but heck, this is what and who I am. I do not pity myself nor ask for your support. I just want you to understand why I am so damned different from the people you have known in your entire life. Believe me when I tell you, I don't remember myself when was the last time I saw myself happy and contented. This quest is all about self-searching, self-divinity and finding my own true happiness. 

And to start doing that, I am looking for this place. To tell you honestly, I have been searching this since high school. Sounds funny and weird but this was the whole truth being all ALONE. The question that is running in to my mind is, "Is there such a good place to live in?" A place I can call mine. A place I can be in complete peace. A place where I could start my NEW LIFE, a NEW BEGINNING, indeed. The answer to that question will be gathered soon. I say "gathered" because it is something to be collected then I just have to pick the right one later on. It might be a long journey for me to find that certain place but I know within myself, it is worth it to do such a thing. This will allow me to create something big I have never created before for myself. A wall where I can choose the passengers who cross. A hard thing to create because it takes a lifetime to do this. A LONG LONG JOURNEY THAT AWAITS A LIFE I CAN CALL MY OWN LIFE. 

A long journey it is that some people are not letting you to begin what you should begin doing. I could not fathom why there are people who keep coming back to my life. I made myself clear to them that I was not the right person. I am really not. But hey, they keep coming back. It's a like nightmare that keeps coming back whenever you sleep. I now understand that they really belong in my heart. Whatever I do, they have a special space inside my heart. There's a BIG HOLE that they fill inside my heart. No matter what I do, no matter how I try to ignore it, they are  up there telling me that I must not throw the good times. In my heart, one thing I can guarantee, they will always be part of me. Love for another person is way far the right answer to my questions. I must learn to love myself first before I could start learning to love someone else.

There are a lot of things at stake for me in this journey but it is a choice I have to make. And I just did. It might be a success or failure but as I say, I am better for trying my best to find my true happiness. I am better for taking a risk. Beyond risking, I will soon find the right place and the right door to "GENUINE HAPPINESS". It's a like a door next to mine right now. I know I am near it, it's just that I have a long way to go before reaching that goal. 

I just hope that one day or another, I will have it within my hands this so-called "HOME". That I would no longer run from some things. That I would accept my fate in this life that God has chosen me. That I would be able to find myself and be able to show the people that I am ready to love. That I would soon find happiness within me.

I will leave you guys with this song by Carrie Underwood that's filled with lessons. It has taught me to be more aware about my life. It has taught me to accept that the things we thought we knew ours are really not. It has to end that way. Learn as much as you wanted about life and its broad concept. From there, you will learn to understand and believe that there are  "LESSONS LEARNED".

There's some things that I regret,
Some words I wish had gone unsaid,
Some starts,
That had some bitter endings,
Been some bad times I've been through,
Damage I cannot undo,
Some things,
I wish I could do all all over again,
But it don't really matter,
Life gets that much harder,
It makes you that much stronger,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were,
Lessons learned.


And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
Everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night,
Every change, life has thrown me,
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart,
I'm grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned.

There's mistakes that I have made,

Some chances I just threw away,
Some roads,
I never should've taken,
Been some signs I didn't see,
Hearts that I hurt needlessly,
Some wounds,
That I wish I could have one more chance to mend,
But it don't make no difference,
The past can't be rewritten,
You get the life you're given,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were,
Lessons learned.


And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
Everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night,
Every change, life has thrown me,
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart,
I'm grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned.

And all the things that break you,

Are all the things that make you strong,
You can't change the past,
Cause it's gone,
And you just gotta move on,
Because it's all,
Lessons learned.


And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
Everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night,
Every change, life has thrown me,
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart,
I'm grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned,
Lessons learned.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Leap of Faith

A place called "Temporary Home" is where I am at right now. In this home, I prefer to sleep than going out of the house and talk to my neighbors. That was not my cup of tea since then. I chose this kind of life because of only one purpose - "to live alone and challenge myself to live alone". I would never thought that this could happen in the first place until one day, March 04, 2010 when I started my life here in Manila, Philippines living alone. Living a life on my own was really one of the hardest decisions of my life. New things had happened to me. New events in my life were forced to be done. New people had seen and met. This is like NEWS to me. News that keep on becoming part of my life. I made my own way to thinking that this is it. A start of something NEW in my life.

It was a big change in my life. I had to do and adapt to things that I had not done before. These things were like routines to me. In some way, I had to admit this has changed my way of life. Going back to my old life, there were no days I did those things. I was shocked and terrified but as the saying goes, "life must go on". As time passes, my first 2 months of life here in Manila, Philippines was not ideal at all. I had to buy my own stuff, eat outside, my clothes were taken cared of by a laundry shop nearby the house where I had stayed. I had to be strong. I had to.

I was thrilled by the fact that Manila, Philippines was not a good place to live in but because I had my purpose of going here that was why I had to try how it's like to have a life here. I was aware of some fools who will try to influence you to do beyond your will. But, as I always say, "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.". Nobody can dictate me just like that.  I let them do what they want but I say, "don't mess up with me". So far, I have not failed myself and live my own decisions not to be influenced by other people.

It was not enough at all! It was not enough to be just strong to continue living my own life the way it should be. I have been living my own life for a year now. I was asking myself for months now, Was it really worth it going away from home and find myself here in Manila? I just knew the answer lately, a BIG NO! I was trying to find the answers though to all the questions I have in mind right now. Confusions, regrets, doubts, and other things contribute to these questions. When will I have the chance to find answers? Basically, I am doing a soul-searching for myself for 5 months now. I am even doing my life's roads now because I want to find myself and to find genuine happiness in this so-called life. Without this search within myself, I will never have a chance to have eternal happiness. I had to be stronger! Stronger as I could be!

Events had already happened. Things might have changed but things continue to happen in its own way. It's like I'm in a horror situation where I was being haunted by a psycho-killer in a movie. But hey, I was not born yesterday to live all in misery everyday. I have had my bad days. I still do. My family and friends are my supporters. They give me enough love and support to continue life despite everything. But there's one good thing about having this life - having God. He is always there to keep an eye on you. Whenever I needed help, He was there. He always shows me unconditional love because He is someone I can talk to anytime. Someone who will understand me in my loneliest, and saddest days. Beyond everything and everyone else, He is my everlasting guidance and mentor.

My faith in God has given me the best strength to continue my life despite difficult times. I leap my faith to Him. Every time I cry, my faith becomes stronger. My faith in Him is my only hope to have eternal happiness. Life isn't perfect but life could be better if we all live up to Him. Let us not forget to acknowledge our faults and weaknesses. I thank God each day for giving me endless time to think on things. God is simply the best. Just leap our faith to God and God will do the rest.

I might not be happiest person today but someday I am pretty sure I will hold on to my faith that life gives me the happiness that I deserve.

Until next time. Please read my next blog. It will be my NEW BEGINNING. :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Lesson to Learn

I would like to start this blog by saying, "Hi, everyone!

While I am posting this, I remember the things/events happened in my life. Have I lived up to the expectations of my family and friends? Have I made the right choices and decisions so far? Am I being responsible for my actions?

I really make decisions of my own. Basically, I do not ask for help if I think I can handle it. As much as possible, I want to decide on my own because this is my life. I know that a lot of people want me to be happy and they give advices or some sort of encouraging words but my point of view and the last decision are on my hands. Thus, what is happening with my life is because of my decisions. Though there are times that my decisions are not the best ones, I say, "I am better for making my own decisions in life". The thing is I do not have someone to blame if I end up failing myself. It is only me to be blamed; No one else but me.

People have inspirations in life. On a regular basis, we see to it these inspirations have tried to make our life worthwhile. My family and friends are my inspirations in life. They are my precious gifts from God. They are my continuous hope in this so-called life. They are my endless strength. They are always there for me through my ups and downs. They always make me feel special and they won't let me down. Special thanks to my mother and father because without them, I will not be who I am today. And to you "E" for being always there for me. To my family, let's just stop selfishness but instead let's show love and support to each other. To my friends, I might not be the best in your list, but I did what I had to do to be a good friend to you.

I had been starting my "Life's Roads" for the past 5 months. And now, new paths and directions are created. Most likely, there are added ideas. I am so excited about these new ideas I have in mind. I am on the process of soul searching. I am searching for my own life's eternal happiness and contentment. I say, "No man is an island" and no man can walk away in his own story. But sometimes, I have to walk away from my own story for the meantime to contemplate on things. In this way, I can understand what needs to be done and what needs to be not. I add more discipline to my plans about my life by preparing the things needed in this "Life's Roads". I usually say "NO" to people that prevent me from preparing and expecting the best in my life. In this road I am pursuing for my life, I would say I am thinking about the big picture for me to be able to take good chances of having a much better life if not the best.

Life is really hard. I must admit that I have bad times and good times, easy and difficult times, happy and lonely times about my life. I can not do anything about it. It is how I manage to make my life happy. It is how I find ways on how to make my life happy in some ways. I am so thankful that despite difficult times in my life, excellent and delightful things happen to me. So, I always live my life each day with a simple thought that there are always good things to come my way. Life is constantly telling us, "BELIEVE".

FEUD will lead nobody to nothing but MISERY

Minds are really hard to read. The hardest to predict. They change easily. For now, it's like this, then all of a sudden, it's different. Hmm, hard to understand. There's no medical explanation to this or even science doesn't stand a chance to make us believe based on studies. Well, the hardest part of being a human is having the capability to think.

Come to think of it, if people don't grow, there's no feud, no chance to fight or make someone's life miserable. I started seeing people fight when I was in grade school. You can see people fighting each other in a lot of ways. They don't bother at all for as long as they get even. People are now evolving in attitude nowadays.

I keep asking myself, "Have I been a good person(a friend, brother, buddy, colleague, neighbor, and son of God)? I don't know what to say because I feel like I am no longer as good as I think I am. What I am certain is, I do things my own way and I don't ask for any advice to my actions. As much as possible, I want to hold and deal life in my own hands because I don't want to point fingers when something goes wrong. Have you asked yourself, "Have I become a good person?"

I can not even explain myself now because for the past two years, I felt like I've had bad times with people. It was not my intention to make a big deal on things. Let me put it this way, if people don't provoke me, there will be no feud on both parties. I say, I am too much of a thinker to words I say depending on the situation. But due to bad circumstances, there were words that came out on my mouth. It is my way of defending myself to bad criticisms and it is my way to fight back not to prolong a war but just to tell the world that I had to fight for my own sake.

Even with jokes, in my early years of my life, I was not to "joking stuff". Joking stuff for me is the one that I am now experiencing. It was not the kind of joke that I received with my family. I don't want to let somebody just stand there and do a lot of bad talk about me while I am sitting there and listen to that every word. I was not born yesterday to stay calm and stop myself further. I need to do something and say something; At least to defend myself with what I hear. So, FEUD starts there.

A long and bitter hostility between individuals is not a good example. I can not even say, it's normal in a Godliness sense. People have this in their system; A bad habit indeed. Who am I to judge? What I am just trying to say is, if somebody starts it, let the tongue finish it until it's tired. But if "it"(tongue) continues to throw bad things, I stand up and blurt out. My mother helped me to be a good person but if it's needed to defend myself with bad entities, I know when to speak up and fight.

I remember my past wall post in Facebook, If you say something bad things to somebody else, think first! If you keep saying bad things about a person behind his/her back, think twice. If you can not stop saying bad things about that same person, believe me, it will go back to you. You will never know, people start to hate you and they are doing the same thing to you; Not saying bad things but discussing the bad things you did. And this wall post answers it, "Karma" works on its own unpredictable schedule, so just simply STOP! Don't wait for your turn to be on the same position. I have had my bad days or weeks maybe with you but that's alright. It won't bring me down at all. I know for a fact that this life isn't only happiness and fun. I will find solace in this "hard world" as soon I get back on track. God, please help me to be stronger than before. :)

So, please stop making someone's life miserable. We have feuds, misunderstandings, indifferences but that just add flavor to our lives. As much as possible, choose the words to say because there are words that work and don't work with somebody else. Always remember that a feud will lead nobody to nothing but misery.

Thank you for reading till next time. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Lesson to Learn

I would like to start this blog by saying, "Hi, everyone! And good evening".

While I am posting this, I remember the things/events happened in my life. Have I lived up to the expectations of my family and friends? Have I made the right choices and decisions so far? Am I being responsible for my actions? 

I really make decisions of my own. Basically, I do not ask for help if I think I can handle it. As much as possible, I want to decide on my own because this is my life. I know that a lot of people want me to be happy and they give advices or some sort of encouraging words but my point of view and the last decision are on my hands. Thus, what is happening with my life is because of my decisions. Though there are times that my decisions are not the best ones, I say, "I am better for making my own decisions in life". The thing is I do not have someone to blame if I end up failing myself. It is only me to be blame; No one else but me. 

People have inspirations in life. On a regular basis, we see to it these inspirations have tried to make our life worthwhile. My family and friends are my inspirations in life. They are my precious gifts from God. They are my continuous hope in this so-called life. They are my endless strength. They are always there for me through my ups and downs. They always make me feel special and they won't let me down. Special thanks to my mother and father because without them, I will not be who I am today. And to you "E" for being always there for me. To my family, let's just stop selfishness but instead let's show love and support to each other. To my friends, I might not be the best in your list, but I did what I had to do to be a good friend to you. 

I had been starting my "Life's Roads" for the past 5 months. And now, new paths and directions are created. Most likely, there are added ideas. I am so excited about these new ideas I have in mind. I am on the process of soul searching. I am searching for my own life's eternal happiness and contentment. I say, "No man is an island" and no man can walk in his own story. But sometimes, I have to walk in my own story for the meantime to contemplate on things. In this way, I can understand what needs to be done and what needs to be not. I add more discipline to my plans about my life by preparing the things needed in this "Life's Roads". I usually say "NO" to people that prevent me from preparing and expecting the best in my life. In this road I am pursuing for my life, I would say I am thinking about the big picture for me to be able to take good chances of having a much better life if not the best. 

Life is really hard. I must admit that I have bad times and good times, easy and difficult times, happy and lonely times about my life. I can not do anything about it. It is how I manage to make my life happy. It is how I find ways on how to make my life happy in some ways. I am so thankful that despite difficult times in my life, excellent and delightful things happen to me. So, I always live my life each day with a simple thought that there are always good things to come my way. Life is constantly telling us, "BELIEVE".